Monday 26 June 2023


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Saturday 11 January 2020

No charges

 To be frank with you, God has done so many things for us free of charge, without collecting a din from us.
So many unseen battles that he has fought for us, the protection and everything he has not collected any charges from us 
I want us to see the total cost of God's love towards us
* the gift of life = no charges 
* the air we breath = no charges 
* the ability to sleep and to wake up = no charges 
* the ability to use our legs, hands and all part of body= no charges
* for the roof over our head = still no charges 
* for all the unseen battles he has fought for us =no charges 
For all the blessings, mercy, love, and for the Salvation of our soul = still no charges. 
If you add it up all the total cost of God's love is NO CHARGES
Just bless his holy name

Sunday 12 November 2017


oh yes, i mean you are welcome to the king's house, you are in the right place and at the right time
what ever be your problem, as you have have search in your way here, you will not lived empty mind,as you have come we trust God that they will be solution to your problem.
Moreover, this blog is mine to educate your spiritual,physical,emotional and you mental life
so just stay claim and enjoy what God have for you as you go through our article
God bless you